Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter Cooking!

The CSA may be over, but I'm getting back to my cooking ways... Last night my little sis and I made a delicious and healthy dinner. It was full of colorful vegetables - all of which we normally would get from the CSA. This recipe is going to look overwhelming because at first glance there a lot of ingredients, but its a pretty straightforward recipe. It's basically Red Snapper over Veggies. I used all of the vegetables listed below, but really you could just do carrots and cauliflower or carrots, cauliflower and zucchini - this won't make or break the recipe, so it's up to your taste buds and/or what you have in the fridge!

Red Snapper over Veggies with a Chile Sauce
Chile Sauce
1 tsp EVOO
1 cup chopped leeks
3 cloves chopped garlic
2 tsp fresh oregano (chopped)low
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp allspice
some ground black pepper
2 cups chopped tomato
1 green pepper, thinly sliced
2 celery stalks, thinly sliced
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 cup vegetable stock

2 carrots, thinly sliced
1 cup cauliflower, chopped
1 cup broccoli, chopped
1/2 cup vegetable stock
2 zucchini, cut into chunks
red snapper fillets for 4
1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped

--> Preheat the oven to 400 F. Line an ovenproof dish with aluminum foil and set aside. In a big saucepan, over medium heat, sauté the leeks, garlic, oregano, curry, allspice and ground black pepper. Stir occassionally until the leeks start to become see-through, ~3 minutes. Add the tomato, green pepper, celery and soy sauce. Cook until the pepper starts to soften, another 3 min. Then add the 1/2 cup of stick and simmer, covered for 25 min.

--> Put the carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and second 1/2 cup of stock into your prepared baking dish. Bake ~10 minutes or until the vegetables start to soften. Then add the zucchini (if you put the zucchini in with the carrots, etc at first, the zucchini would get too mushy). Place the fish on top of the vegetables and drizzle with the sauce you prepared in step 1. Bake until the fish is cooked through and veggies are tender - probably ~15-20 min depending on how thick your fillets are. Just before the fish was done, I sprinkled the dill over the fish (it adds interesting flavor though isn't necessary if you don't have dill lying around).

Yum - eat and enjoy!

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